New Adventures

Sometimes it becomes necessary to make self inflicted changes or allow fate to intervene and shake things up.  It is the only way you can regain a vision of the larger story, allow your dormant ideas to take actually take shape, and tackle fresh challenges to bring you back to life.

I’m looking forward to traveling on a new road.  A journey that will allow me to reside in the new world of the music industry, to encourage forward thinking, and to make a real impact with people who “get it”.

Interestingly enough, this is not the only new adventure I am on right now.  There is another one happening within my life that I can’t mention at the moment, but I will soon…..when the time is right.  It is beyond exciting and places this career drama into its rightful perspective.

Life is good and getting better all the time.



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1 Response to New Adventures

  1. 🙂

    i absolutely love your desire to embrace adventure Mike. It’s inspiring!


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